Friday, November 1, 2013

Letterland Dress-UP Day and Parade

Thanks to all of the families who participated in Letterland Dress-Up Day!  It was so much fun for everyone!  I, myself, was a Quarrelsome Queen.

Here are some of our highlights from today.

Fix-It Max striking a pose (and his A-MAZE-ING shoes).


Impy Ink and her costume (so much hard work!)

Uppy Umbrella, Firefighter Fred, and Harry Hat Man brought in props.

Annie Apple made a mask!

Thanks again!  We had a wonderful time getting to know each Letterlander. By now your child should know most to all of the characters, letters, and sounds. If you'd like, you can follow this link to the Letterland website and click on the "Children" box for a few fun games and activities.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Big Changes

You may have figured this out already, but I moved to KINDERGARTEN!  I am really looking forward to an exciting year back at Dillard Drive with my new students.  Please be patient with me as I update the blog over the next few weeks to transition it to one just perfect for Kindergarten :)