Wednesday, June 6, 2012

End of the Year Celebration

It's been fun, but now we're done!  The end of the year is (almost) upon us.  To celebrate all that the children have accomplished, we will be having a little celebration this Thursday afternoon.  We have had lots of parents volunteer to bring or send things in.  So far we will be having pizza, drinks, cupcakes, cookies, chips, and other snacks.  Honestly, at this point, we do not need any more food - we might burst as it is!  We will also be having some wonderful surprises courtesy is Mrs. Austin.  It should be a fun afternoon.  We'll end the 2011-2012 school year in grand style.  Thank you all very much!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Field Day Fun

We had an absolutely AMAZING time at Field Day this morning.  We want to send out a BIG "Thank you!" to Mr. Lawson and Mr. Rotberg and all of the volunteers who made today possible.

Out morning started out with some relay games...

Then we visited face painting, freeze-pops, and the misting station...

Then we played some teamwork games...

And finally, the main event, Tug-of-War!  This was the longest Tug-of-War battle this teacher has ever seen!  We've got some seriously strong kids in this grade.  Sadly, we lost to Mrs. Liberto's class (but we were outnumbered!). 

All together it has been a great day.  We're all exhausted, but in a good way.  This has been a great way to round out our year together. :)

(And good news for parents is that we should all sleep well tonight!)

Friday, June 1, 2012

Parent Survey

WCPSS is looking for feedback on the school choice process and has asked me to share this with all of you.

"The Wake County Board of Education would like parents of all current and incoming students to complete a survey about the choice selection process for 2012-13 school assignments. The questions will take you only five to 10 minutes to complete, and the results will help the board and district to make decisions and better serve our families.

You can take the survey online by following the links at (school website) or We also have paper copies of the survey in our office. Whether you participated in choice process or choose to keep your pre-assignment for next year, we want your input. Please take the survey!"